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Jedi Fallen Order was a surprise hit from the developers at Respawn Entertainment when it was released in 2019. It took the fantastic setting and aesthetic from Star Wars and used it to inspire one of the most beloved Soulsborne games ever released. Fallen Order follows Cal Kestis, a hidden Jedi trying to re-establish the order following the devastation brought on by Order 66. The game takes players on an adventure to new and old locations, introduces them to a diverse cast of characters, and offers tons of achievements to chase.
Key Info Up Front
Genre:Â Action RPG
Difficulty:Â 3/10
Number of playthroughs required:Â 1
Estimated time to complete:Â Approximately 30 hours
Number of achievements:Â 39
Fallen Order Walkthrough
Since Fallen Order has a sprawling world with various collectibles, unlockable traversal abilities, combat achievements, and secrets, we have to first go through a larger walkthrough of what to expect. This will help you keep your playtime down while also letting you get all of the achievements in the most fun and efficient way possible.
Step One: Story, Seeds, and Scans
The first part of your journey to completing Fallen Order is to play through its main story. You can hunt down some collectibles if you want, but I don’t recommend it because many of them require traversal mechanics you won’t have until later. So, if you go for them as you go to each location you’ll just end up wasting a lot of time discovering that you can’t get to them.
When you start your game you can also feel free to adjust the difficulty to however you prefer. Fallen Order has a lot of great options to tweak how it plays, and there are no achievements linked to difficulty at all. As you go through the story, you should also find the seeds, since they take in-game time to grow in your ship. To make sure you get them as you go look at the Green Thumb achievement down below. Perhaps the most important thing to do during this step to cut down on game time, however, is to scan every new type of enemy you come across as you defeat them. If you don’t, you’ll have to revisit old areas just to kill an enemy and scan it.
Achievements in this step:Â
- Trust Only In The Force
- The Mantis
- A Long Time Ago
- The Obstacle is the Way
- Everything is Connected
- The Holocron Awaits
- Happy Go Wookie
- Her Name Was Masana Tide
- Gorgora Falls
- For A More Civilized Age
- I Knew He Was No Good
- Green Thumb
- Sabersmith
- The Full Glow-Up
- Scum and Villainy
Step Two: Collectibles and Combat
Once you’re done with the main story you’ll have all of the abilities and gear that you need to get the remaining achievements in the game. This means that you can turn your attention to getting all of the collectibles, finishing off any combat achievements you don’t have yet, and picking up the few other more random achievements still left.
Achievements in this step:Â
- Kicking Back
- Back At You
- Perfect Timing
- Kickoff
- Triple Take
- What Goes Around…
- Big Bang
- Don’t Mess With BD-1
- Can’t Touch This
- Look Out Below
- Not So Fast
- Bank Shot
- Blade Master
- Cal Got Your Tongue?
- Collector
- Legendary Beasts
- Feel the Force
- A Galaxy Far, Far Away
- Visiting Alderaan Places
- Medical Droid
- Full House
- Data Disk
- Data Collector
- Echo Location
Fallen Order Achievements
Kicking Back
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for kicking a philak after it has kicked you.
Tips:Â To do the kick you have to unlock the skill Evasive Kick. Then, find one of the lone Philak’s on the planet Zeffo.
Gamerscore:Â 100
Description:Â This achievement is for finding every chest and secret in the game.
Tips:Â For all of the collectibles in the game, check the guide on IGN.com.
Legendary Beasts
Gamerscore: 50
Description:Â This achievement is for defeating the four hidden bosses.
Tips:Â The four beasts for this achievement are below:
- Oggdo Bogdo – Bogano (Bogdo Sinkholes)
- Albino Wyyyschokk – Kashyyyk (Imperial Refinery)
- Rabid Jotaz – Zeffo (Broken Wing)
- Nydak Alpha – Dathomir (Nightmare Ruins)
Feel the Force
Gamerscore:Â 100
Description:Â This achievement is for unlocking every skill in the game.
Tips:Â If you need to grind for experience, there are two Lesser Nydak by the Tomb of Kujet on Dathomir that are perfect for farming.
A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Gamerscore:Â 50
Description:Â This achievement is for finishing all of BD-1’s holomaps.
Tips:Â For this achievement, you have to fully explore each of the planets you visit throughout the game.
Trust Only In The Force
Gamerscore:Â 50
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
The Mantis
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
A Long Time Ago
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
Everything is Connected
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
The Holocron Awaits
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
Happy Go Wookiee
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
Her Name Was Masana Tide
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
Visiting Alderaan Places
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
Gorgara Falls
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
For A More Civilized Age
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
I Knew He Was No Good
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This is a story achievement you will get naturally.
Back At You
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing 50 enemies with reflected blaster shots.
Perfect Timing
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for parrying 100 times.
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing an enemy with only kicks.
Triple Take
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing three enemies with one lightsaber throw.
What Goe’s Around…
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing an enemy with their own slowed blaster bolt.
Big Bang
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing 20 enemies with explosives.
Don’t Mess With BD-1
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing an enemy with a hacked droid.
Can’t Touch This
Gamerscore:Â 50
Description:Â This achievement is for doing 100 Precision Evades.
Look Out Below
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing 25 enemies by throwing them over a ledge.
Not So Fast
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing 25 enemies hit with an empowered Force Slow.
Bank Shot
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for killing an enemy by throwing them into another enemy.
Blade Master
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This achievement is for hitting one enemy with every type of lightsaber.
Cal Got Your Tongue?
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for cutting off the tongue of an oggdo.
Tips:Â For this achievement, you have to have unlocked the Force Pull and Grasping Pull skills. Once you have those, travel back to Bogano and find any Oggdo. Once you get its attention and it faces you, use the Force Pull on it to pull its tongue out of its mouth and then slice off its tongue.
Medical Droid
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This achievement is for finding every Stim Canister.
Tips:Â For the collectibles in this game, follow the collectible walkthrough on IGN.com.
Green Thumb
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This achievement is for growing all ten seeds in your terrarium.
Tips:Â For this achievement, you have to both find the seeds and grow them in your terrarium, which takes a certain amount of in-game time. For this reason, you should collect them as you play the story so that they can grow while you go after other achievements. The seed locations are below:
Planet | Seed | Location |
Bogano | Kalpi Seed | Found by scanning the vines in the water area in the Subterranean Refuge in the big circular room. |
Featherfern Seed | Once you get the Jedi Flip ability you can reach the Fracture Plains. Look at the three huts in the distance and look for the purple flower on the edge of the cliff and scan it. | |
Zeffo | Royal Fluzz Seed | In the Weathered Monument head toward the Tomb of Eilram. Along the path you will come across a ramp that takes you to a locked chest. Next to the chest is a pink flower you need to scan. |
Gillypod Seed | In the Windswept Ruins, there is a patch of grass within some sand at the center of its roof. Scan the grass patch. | |
Dreamwort Seed | At the Crash Site, go to the right side of the area and swim to the center island. The plant you need to scan is on its edge right by the water. | |
Kashyyyk | Bonshyyyr Seed | Head to the Imperial Refinery and find the massive upturned tree surrounded by roots. Scan the roots at the base of the tree. |
Milk Grass Seed | Go to Gloomroot Hollow and stay to your left as you follow the path. There will be a giant leaf next to some bark and rocks that you need to scan, so keep your eyes open for it. | |
Mushbloom Seed | Make your way to the Origin Tree and find the group of spiders after you mud slide to a lower area. There is a large mushroom at the back of the area and you have to scan the little mushrooms around it. | |
Dathomir | Bleeding Gut Seed | In the Swamp of Sacrifice, find the group of yellow rocks by some water. From there, look at the cliff and you will notice some red mushrooms. Scan that area and you’ll get the seed. |
Mushling Seed | In the Swamp of Sacrifice in the large circular area there are a few red flowers that you need to scan. |
Full House
Gamerscore:Â 20
Description:Â This achievement is for recruiting all members to your ship’s crew.
Tips:Â All but one crew members will joining you during story missions. The only one you have to find is found on Bogano. Go to the room with sphere puzzle behind a cage. Force Push the wall there to destroy it and it will reveal a Bogling you can talk to and have join you.
Data Disk
Gamerscore:Â 20
Description:Â This achievement is for finding all of the encrypted logs from BD-1.
Tips:Â You will get a good amount of the logs during story missions, but there are another 12 you have to find for yourself. The locations are below:
- An Ancient Sphere – Go to the Abandoned Workshop on Bogano. Wall run on the wall pointing toward the Mantis and climb up to the top of the sinkholes. Look to your left and pull down the pipe above you. Cross the pipe and go left to the edge of the cliff and swing across the rope there. When you land, turn around and get back on the rope but jump through the fan there using Force Slow. Then, scan the orb in the room you land in.
- Sage, Vault, and Tomb – Start again from the Abandoned Workshop on Bogano and go along the pipe to reach the Hermit’s Abode. Use Slow Force on the fan and walk up to the table and scan it.
- The Sages – This time start from the Abandoned Village save point on Zeffo. From there, go to the caves next to you and you’ll come to a split path and take the right way and cross the metal pipe you find there. Then, keep to the right and scan the large metal box you come across.
- Sage Miktrull – Go to the second floor of the Tomb of Miktrull and climb up the vines to reach the higher level. Go to the left and use Force Push to knock down a broken wall. You’ll see a chest, and you need to scan the wall next to it.
- Magnets – Start at the Tomb of Miktrull save point and go forward until you get to the circular room with water on the floor. Use Force Push on the weak looking part of the wall and go to the left side of the revealed room. Scan the wall in there.
- Kujet’s Tomb – Head to the Nightmare Ruins on Dathomir and when you get inside scan the pots at the base of the stairs in front of you.
- Sage Eilram – Travel to the save point at the Tomb of Eilram and push the ball down the ramp toward the tomb guardian. Then, push it into the slot to our left in the room with all of the lights. This turns on a wind tunnel that will open up a door being the tomb guardian. Follow that new path and jump up the railing to reach a second ball. Push it through the weak part of the wall to take it to the large room. Use Force Push to get it into the wind tunnel to throw it onto a high platform. Get up there and there’s another slot to push that ball into, opening a path to your left with a wind chime that you have to scan.
- Shyyyo Bird – On Kashyyyk travel to the Origin tree where the Shyyyo Bird lands on a platform by the lung plants. When it leaves it drops some feathers that you have to scan.
- Astrium – Go to the Gnarled Heights save point and wall run into the tree. Go through the hollowed branch and jump down into the nest below. At the back of the nest climb up the walls until you find a chest. You can also scan that platform to get this one.
- The Premonition – Go to the save point at the Abandoned Workshop on Bogano and get into the Hermit’s Abode. Climb to the second floor on the rope by where you can cut the hanging wires. Then, scan the pile of scrap at the center of the room.
- Acquiring the Holocron – Start at the save point in Subterranean Refuge and go to The Great Divide. As you make your way there look to your right to find a bridge that you can Force Push down. Cross that bridge and keep going forward until you reach a lit up cave. Inside, climb the vines and go up the stairs. When you’re halfway up there you can have BD-1 unlock a door that leads to a room with two statues you need to scan.
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for fully customizing your personal lightsaber.
Tips:Â You can customize your lightsaber at workbenches. To get this achievement you have to change each part of it.
The Full Glow-Up
Gamerscore:Â 10
Description:Â This achievement is for applying a skin to Cal, BD-1, and the Mantis ship.
Data Collector
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This achievement is for scanning every type of enemy.
Tips:Â The list of enemies you need to scan are:
- Scout Trooper
- Scout Commander
- Stormtrooper
- Stormtrooper Commander
- Security Droid
- Glametrooper
- Heavy Assault Trooper
- Probe Droid
- Rocket Launcher Trooper
- Electrobaton Purge Trooper
- Electrostaff Purge Trooper
- Purge Trooper Commander
- Electrohammer Purge Trooper
- The Ninth Sister
- The Second Sister
- Darth Vade
- Bog Rat – Bogano
- Oggdo – Bogano
- Splox – Bogano
- Oggdo Bogdo – Bogano
- Scazz – Zeffo
- Phillak – Zeffo
- Jotaz – Zeffo
- Skungus – Zeffo
- Tomb Guardian – Zeffo
- Rabid Jotaz – Zeffo
- Bane Back Spider – Dathomir
- Lesser Nydak – Dathomir
- Nightbrother Warrior – Dathomir
- Nightbrother Archer – Dathomir
- Undead Nightsister – Dathomir
- Nydak Alpha – Dathomir
- Gorgara – Dathomir
- Taron Malicos – Dathomir
- Flame Beetle – Kashyyyk
- Wyyyschokk – Kashyyyk
- Slyyyg – Kashyyyk
- Saava – Kashyyyk
- Mykal – Kashyyyk
- Albino Wyyyschokk – Kashyyyk
- Haxion Brood Bounty Hunter – Appear as you revisit planets
- Haxion Brood Commando – Appear as you revisit planets
- Haxion Brood Bounty Droid – Appear as you revisit planets
Scum and Villainy
Gamerscore:Â 25
Description:Â This achievement is for defeating all types of bounty hunter.
Tips:Â The three types of bounty hunters are the Haxion Brood Bounty Hunter, Bounty Droid, and Commando. As you go through the game they will randomly start spawning when you re-visit the planets. You will likely find all three of them as you travel to complete the achievements and collectibles after you finish the main story.
Echo Location
Gamerscore:Â 20
Description:Â This achievement is for collecting 75 Force Echoes.
Tips:Â There are over 100 Force Echoes in the game, so there is a good choice that you will find them as you explore and look for other things in the environment. If you don’t, you can track them all down using IGN’s collectibles guide.
Jedi Fallen Order is a very unique experience in the Star Wars universe. For fans of the science fiction franchise and the genre alike it is a must play, especially for any Soulsborne fans that want a game with more difficulty options.
Question: Do Any Achievements in Jedi Fallen Order Require you to Play on a Certain Difficulty?
Answer: No, you can get all of the achievements with any difficulty settings you prefer.
Question: Are Any Achievements in Jedi Fallen Order Missable?
Answer: No, you can travel freely after completing the main story and can get all of the achievements at any point in your playthrough.
Question: Is There a Secret or True Ending in Jedi Fallen Order?
Answer: No, there is only one ending for the game’s story. You can’t make any decisions or change what happens in any way.