The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Trophy Guide

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is my all-time favorite video game, and it is for many other people. The game blends a sprawling open world with captivating narratives, fun combat, and gorgeous visuals. I would recommend any gamer try out the game for themselves to see all the hype, but the game’s strengths also make it an incredible title to earn the platinum trophy. Doing so will take considerable time, but trust me when I say it is an experience like no other.

Key Info Up Front

  • Genre: Open World RPG
  • Difficulty: 8/10
  • Number of Playthroughs Required: 1
  • Estimated Time to Complete: Approximately 135 hours
  • Number of Trophies: 79

The Witcher 3 Walkthrough

Before diving into the weeds and looking at each of the individual trophies you’ll need to unlock on the way to the platinum, it is paramount to first look at the overall experience you can expect. With how massive the game is, especially with its two expansions, it can be extremely overwhelming to try and go through, so following this walkthrough will help keep you on track and get through the game in the most efficient way possible.

Step One: Playthrough Set Up and White Orchard

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Trophy Guide
Image from Wiki Fandom

The quickest path to the platinum trophy is to start on the game’s most challenging setting, Death March, right out the gate. To make playing on this difficulty more manageable, I have some tips. First, do as much as possible to ensure you are leveled and well-equipped throughout the playthrough. This means doing every side quest, exploring every question mark on the map, and running through side activities. Doing so will help you get every trophy in one playthrough and make dealing with Death March more reasonable. 

My other recommendation for playing on this difficulty is to take full advantage of the game’s mechanics. The Witcher 3 is an RPG that requires you to play it a certain way, especially on Death March. So, while you go through this run, you’ll need to take your time to always be as prepared and well-equipped as possible. You should try to get as many Oils, Bombs, and Potions as possible and always equip them for any given combat encounter. 

In that same vein, you should ensure to keep Geralt well-equipped at all times. This means completing treasure hunts for Witcher gear sets as early as possible and routinely upgrading your swords. For your build, you can go down any route that seems interesting to you. If you’re having a hard time on Death March, however, I recommend focusing on abilities from the Combat tree with a few Alchemy abilities mixed in for good measure. This way you can focus on avoiding attacks and dealing damage with low-commitment light attacks while helping you get more out of bombs and oils. As for your signs, you can just focus on using Yrden when necessary and spamming Quen to help cover you from taking damage. 

Step Two: Side Activities

As mentioned above, during your campaign playthrough, you’ll also want to complete any side activities and quests as you come across them. This means completing the Fist Fights, Contracts, Horse Races, and Gwent Matches. This will help keep you geared up and ready for the challenges of Death March and ensure you will experience as much of the game as possible. 

The Contracts, in particular, are some of the hardest content in The Witcher 3, but they will net you rewards that will help you make decoctions and other resources that can help you get through the main questline much easier. Just make sure that before you go into any contract, you are well prepared with Oil and Bombs that will help you take down the monster you are facing. 

For this step, I recommend sprinkling the side activities while completing the main quest. This will help keep the gameplay fresh for you as you play through but also maintain your scaling as you go through the game. For this reason, you may finish the main questline before getting to all the side content, and that is fine as you can keep playing regardless of which ending you get. 

Step Three: Completing the Main Quest

Image from Wiki Fandom

You’ll probably be getting close to completing the main quest at this point in your playthrough. You can get multiple endings for the game, but it doesn’t matter which one you get, as none of the trophies are dependent on them. As you go, there are also some missable trophies which you can find below to ensure you get them to avoid having to do a second playthrough. These include trophies like Kingmaker and Assassin of Kings that both require multiple correct choices to unlock particular side quests as well as Friends With Benefits, which is regarding a single decision in one particular side quest. There is also the trophy Full Crew, which is missable but is related to the main quest line and requires numerous correct decisions.

Step Four: Miscellaneous Trophies

You may have gotten some of these random trophies by this point. Either way, I recommend noting which trophies you still need from the list below to try and get them as you go through the two expansions in the following section. This helps you avoid grinding for these trophies, which can be a real bore. Once you’re done with the base game, you can lower the difficulty if you are tired of dealing with Death March! making everything as hard as possible.

Step Five: Hearts of Stone

Hearts of Stone is the first expansion The Witcher 3 received and introduces a bevy of new content to the main continent in the game. Once you’re done wrapping up the base game’s content, I recommend playing through this expansion and getting its trophies. When you do, enjoy its main questline naturally and wrap up its last miscellaneous trophies. There are also some missable trophies in this expansion, so make sure to read the descriptions for Let the Good Times Roll!, Curator of Nightmares, Shopaholic, and When It’s Many Against One… to avoid having to play through the expansion a second time.

Step Six: Blood and Wine

Blood and Wine
Image from Wiki Fandom

The Witcher 3‘s second expansion, Blood and Wine, is a much more significant expansion that introduces an entirely new map filled with activities and questlines. I recommend playing this expansion after Hearts of Stone because it is a great experience. When you do so, I recommend playing through the main story, doing side quests, and finally getting the few miscellaneous trophies. However, check the David and Golyat trophy below before starting it, as it is a missable trophy at the start of the expansion.

Witcher 3 Trophies

Lilac and Gooseberries

Lilac and Gooseberries
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: Lilac and Gooseberries is a story trophy you will get during the main quest.

A Friend in Need

A Friend in Need
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: A Friend in Need is a story trophy you will get during the main quest.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: Necromancer is a story trophy you will get during the main quest.

Family Counselor

Family Counselor
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: Family Counselor is a story trophy you will get during the main quest.

Something More

Something More
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: Something More is a story trophy you will get during the main quest.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: Xenonaut is a story trophy you will get during the main quest.

The King Is Dead

The King Is Dead
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Description: The King is Dead is a story trophy you will get during the main quest.

Passed the Trial

Passed the Trial
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: Passed the Trial is for completing the main quest on any of the available difficulties.

Ran the Gauntlet

Ran the Gauntlet
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Description: Ran the Gauntlet is for completing the main quest on Blood and Broken Bones! difficulty or higher.

Walked the Path

Walked the Path
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Gold
  • Description: Walked the Path is for completing the main quest on Death March! difficulty.

Geralt: The Professional

Geralt: The Professional
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing all 26 Witcher Contracts.

Tips: Almost all Witcher Contracts can be found on notice boards worldwide. However, two of them are not. One is found in a house to the southwest of Crookback Bog, and the other is found by talking to an NPC in the village of Benek.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for taking part in the process of choosing Skellige’s new ruler.

Tips: Kingmaker is missable if you progress too far in the main quest before unlocking it. To ensure you get it, do the side quest The King is Dead – Long Live the King! as soon as you get it. Then play the subsequent side quests until you finish both King’s Gamit and Coronation, which will unlock the trophy.

Assassin of Kings

Assassin of Kings
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for helping kill King Radovid.

Tips: This missable trophy requires the player to complete numerous side quests at different times. You should do Redania’s Most Wanted right when you are at the right level, followed by the two quests that it leads to. Just make sure to get them out of the way before you board King Radovid’s ship. After that, you’ll move on to Now or Never, A Deadly Plot, and then Blindingly Obvious. While you talk to Philippa during that quest, however, you need to pick the first dialogue choice every time to unlock the final side quest, Reason of State.

Friends with Benefits

Friends With Benefits
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing Kiera Metz’s story.

Tips: This is another missable trophy that requires you to complete the storyline of Keira metz. This chain of quests starts with An Invitation from Keira Metz. Play through the subsequent quests and make sure to keep her alive and send her to Kaer Morhen to get this trophy and help set up to unlock Full Crew below.

Full Crew

Full Crew
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: Full Crew requires you have to have all possible allies at Kaer Morhen for the final confrontation.

Tips: This trophy is highly missable. The allies you can get are listed below:

  • Keira Metz: Complete the Friends with Benefits trophy above to get it.
  • Triss Merigold: Only available if you tell her you love her and ask her to go to Kaer Morhen or if you romance Yennefer, who can bring her as well.
  • Roche, Ves, and Zolten: Must complete An Eye for an Eye when available and talk to Roche and Zolten during the Brothers in Arms: Novigrad.
  • Hjalmar: Recruited during the main quest line.
  • Ermion: Recruited during the main quest line.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for unlocking every ability in a single skill category.

The Enemy of My Enemy

The Enemy of My Enemy
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for having an enemy kill another enemy using the Axii sign 20 times.

Tips: This can only be done after unlocking and equipping the Axii sign upgrades in the magic skill tree.

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for killing enemies by throwing them off ledges using Aard ten times.

Environmentally Unfriendly

Environmentally Unfriendly
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for using environmental hazards to kill 50 enemies.

Kaer Morhen Trained

Kaer Morhen Trained
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for doing a chain of ten counterattacks without taking any damage.

Can’t Touch This!

Can't Touch This!
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for killing five enemies without using Quen or taking any damage.

That Is the Evilest Thing…

That Is the Evilest Thing...
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for igniting a Dragon’s Dream with a burning enemy.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for filling all four mutagen slots.

Butcher of Blaviken

Butcher of Blaviken
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Description: This trophy is for killing five enemies in ten seconds.

Tips: This is easiest by killing five rats quickly during your playthrough.

Triple Threat

Triple Threat
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for using three different methods to kill enemies in a single fight.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Description: This trophy is for beating the fist-fighting champion in Skellige.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Description: This trophy is for simultaneously making ten enemies suffer from bleeding, poison, and burning.

Tips: This is easiest achieved by putting runes for each one in a single sword.

Master Marksman

Master Marksman
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for killing 50 humans with crossbow headshots.

What Was That?

What Was That?
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for attacking, countering, using a sign, and throwing a bomb in four seconds.

Even Odds

Even Odds
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Description: This trophy is for completing two Witcher Contracts without using anything other than your swords and crossbow.

Tips: I recommend doing this trophy on the first two contracts that you receive after White Orchard as they are the simplest.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for discovering 100 fast-travel locations.

Pest Control

Pest Control
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Description: This trophy is for destroying every monster nest in either Novigrad/Velen or Skellige.

Tips: Since you should be doing all side content during your playthrough you should get this one naturally.

Card Collector

Card Collector
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for getting all 120 cards for Gwent, excluding DLC cards.

Tips: I highly recommend using the Gwent Card Checklist for this trophy.

Gwent Master

Gwent Master
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for winning the Gwent tournament at the Passiflora.

Tips: This is done through the High Stakes side quest in Novigrad.

Let’s Cook!

Let's Cook!
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for learning how to make 12 different potions.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for learning how to make six different bombs.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for reading 30 books or notes.

Armed and Dangerous

Armed and Dangerous
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Description: This trophy is for completing one witcher set.

Power Overwhelming

Power Overwhelming
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for having all five bonuses from Places of Power at once.

Tips: This is easiest done by traveling between all the power stones in White Orchard because they are all so close together.

Brawl Master

Brawl Master
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for finishing all fist-fight quests.

Fast and Furious

Fast and Furious
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for winning every horse race quest in the game.

Tips: Make sure to complete the Velen horse races before you complete the main quest, as they will disappear.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Gold
  • Description: This trophy is for reaching level 35.

Fire in the Hole

Fire in the Hole
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for destroying ten monster nests.

Fist of the South Star

Fist of the South Star
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for not taking any damage and winning a fist fight.

Geralt and Friends

Geralt and Friends
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for winning a Gwent round while only using neutral cards.

Tips: For this trophy, use as many faction cards as you can in the first round of the game so that your opponents have fewer cards, allowing you to win one with just your neutral cards.

All In

All In
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for winning a Gwent round after playing three hero cards.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing the Contract: Shrieker side quest.

Fearless Vampire Slayer

Fearless Vampire Slayer
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing The Mystery of the Byways Murders witcher contract.

Woodland Spirit

Woodland Spirit
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing the quest In the Heart of the Woods.

Fiend or Foe?

Fiend or Foe
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing the Contract: Missing Son side quest.

Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing the Doors Slamming Shut witcher contract.

The Doppler Effect

Doppler Effect
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing the Contract: An Elusive Thief side quest.

Hearts of Stone Expansion Trophies

I’m Not Kissing That

I'm Not Kissing That
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This is a trophy you will get during the expansion’s main questline.

Let the Good Times Roll!

Let the Good Times Roll!
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for doing every activity during the wedding quest.

Tips: This trophy is missable and get during the main quest Dead Man’s Party. All seven activities are marked on the map during the quest, so complete them before progressing.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for buying all items at Borsodis’ Auction House.

Tips: This trophy is unlocked during the Open Sesame! quest. To not miss it you have to go into the quest with at least 670 coins so that you can buy all three items.

Curator of Nightmares

Curator of Nightmares
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for recreating all of Iris’ nightmares.

Tips: This trophy is unlocked during the Scenes From a Marriage quest, but can be missed. To get it, you have to finish eight of Iris’ memories by investigating missing items in each scene. All of these are part of the quest except for the first one, which is to Geralt’s right at the start of the quest.

Pacta Sunt Servanda

Pacta Sunt Servanda
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for finishing the main questline of the expansion.

When It’s Many Against One…

When It's Many Against One...
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for having every Nightmare fight you during the final boss fight.

Tips: To get this, you’ll have to wake up each Nightmare during the fight, but be careful not to kill them because you need all of them active at once.

Return to Sender

Return to Sender
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for sending arrows back to three enemies to kill them.

Tips: Before doing this, you must unlock the Arrow Deflection skill.

Can Quit Anytime I Want

Can Quit Anytime I Want
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for taking seven potions at once.

Tips: To do this without dying, you must have the skills Heightened Tolerance and Acquired Tolerance equipped.

Wild Rose Dethroned

Wild Rose Dethroned
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing all 12 Fallen Knight points of interest.

I Wore Ofieri Before It Was Cool

I Wore Ofieri Before It Was Cool
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for collecting every piece of Ofieri gear added in the expansion.

Tips: Some Ofieri gear can be bought from the Ofieri merchant, while the rest are obtained through a treasure hunt quest.


Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for killing a total of 20 cows.

Rad Steez, Bro!

Rad Steez, Bro!
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for sliding downhill for ten seconds or more.

Tips: To do this, fast travel to Skellige Isles – Distillery and slide down the mountain there.

Killed It

Killed It
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for winning a Gwent round with a score of 187 or higher.

Blood and Wine Expansion Trophies

The Witcher’s Gone South

The Witcher's Gone South
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This is a story trophy you will get while playing the expansion’s main questline.

Last Action Hero

Last Action Hero
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This is a missable trophy for the expansion’s main questline.

Tips: I recommend making a manual save at the start of Night of Long Fangs to avoid having to replay the expansion to get another trophy. For Last Action hero, you have to select either “Considering freeing Syanna” or “Leaning towards no-nonsense.” If you free Syanna, talk to the girl with the flint, whereas if you pick the second, just play normally.

King of the Clink

King of the Clink
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This is a missable trophy for serving time in jail.

Tips: For King of the Clink you have to choose “Considering freeing Syanna” during the main quest, Night of Long Fangs. Again, I recommend manually saving early on in the quest to ensure you can get both choice-based trophies without having to replay the entire expansion. After choosing that dialogue option, you must avoid talking to the girl with flints before you plant the beans for this trophy.

A Knight to Remember

A Knight to Remember
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This is a missable trophy for winning every round of the knight tournament.

Tips: This trophy is earned during The Warble of a Smitten Knight, but has to be started before you start the quest Capture the Flag.

Embodiment of the Five Virtues

Embodiment of the Five Virtues
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for getting the Aerondight sword.

Tips: Embodiment of the Five Virtues requires you to finish the side quest There Can Be Only One. This quest has many solutions, so I recommend using the Witcher Wiki page.

Playing House

Playing House
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for getting all housing upgrades for Corvo Bianco.

Tips: Purchasing every possible upgrade costs a whopping 14,000 coins.

Turned Every Stone

Turned Every Stone
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for completing all five grandmaster Scavenger Hunt quests.

I Have a Gwent Problem

I Have a Gwent Problem
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze

Description: This trophy is for collecting all 19 Gwent cards for the Skellige deck. To do this, challenge the Cockatrice Inn’s owner and complete the side quest doing so gives you. You also have to finish the expansion’s other Gwent-themed side quest to get the Skellige Deck unlocked.

The Grapes of Wrath Stomped

The Grapes of Wrath Stomped
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for having a wine named after Geralt.

Tips: This trophy requires you to complete two side quests before clearing any monster nests or enemy camps. The first is called Wine Wars: Belgaard, which will then give you the side quests Wine Wars: Coronata and Wine Wars: Vermentino. During one of the quests, you’ll find a letter about the vineyard being sabotaged. Once you find it, stop working on that quest and work on the other. This will unlock the side quest The Deus in the Machina, which you must do. Then, you have to do the Consorting side quest and can do any other side quests that it unlocks. After the vineyard owners thank you, you’ll have to meditate for three days and then return to them to discover they named a wine after you for your help.

Dressed to Kill

Dressed to Kill
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for equipping a completed grandmaster witcher set.

Weapon “W”

Weapon "W"
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for getting a mutation.

Tips: Before getting a mutation, you have to do Turn and Face the Strange.

Hasta la Vista™

Hasta la Vista™
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for killing an enemy with the crossbow after freezing them.

David and Golyat

David and Golyat
Image from Wiki Fandom
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Description: This trophy is for killing the giant at the start of the expansion by using your crossbow to shoot his exposed eye.


The Witcher 3 is a tremendous experience, but it is filled with high-quality stories and gameplay that reward players for their time investments. Its platinum trophy is one of the most involved, but it is more than worth the time to do so. I can’t recommend playing The Witcher 3 enough, and getting its platinum trophy is one of the best ways to experience the game.


Question: Does Difficulty Affect Witcher 3 Trophies?

Answer: Yes, two trophies require the player to play at a higher difficulty.

Question: What is The Witcher 3‘s Hardest Trophy?

Answer: One of the hardest trophies is widely thought to be Card Collector because of how many cards players have to track down, some of which are missable.

Question: Are There Difficulty Trophies for Witcher 3‘s Expansions?

Answer: No, you can get all expansion trophies while playing on any difficulty in Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine.

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