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When Resident Evil 7 was released in 2017, series fans saw it as a return to form for the franchise after the two previous lackluster mainline entries. It also evolved the series by adopting a first-person perspective, emphasizing the horror elements more than the action, and introducing the new protagonist Ethan Winters. The first-person perspective was carried into Resident Evil Village, but the horror elements were pulled back slightly as many fans said that Resident Evil 7 was just too scary to make it all the way through. This makes Resident Evil 7 possibly one of the scariest games and a terrifying platinum trophy to chase down.
Key Info Up Front
Genre: Survival Horror
Difficulty:Â 5/10
Number of Playthroughs Required:Â 3
Estimated Time to Complete:Â Approximately 75 hours
Number of Trophies:Â 56
Resident Evil 7 Walkthrough
Before we get into each of the individual trophies, you’ll be earning. We need to take a more extensive look at how you’ll get the platinum trophy. This will let you know what you’re committing to when you get the game and help you make your way through it in the easiest and most sensical way possible.
Step One: The First Playthrough
The first part of your journey to the platinum trophy is to just play through the game for the first time. For this playthrough, you can complete the game on either Easy or Normal difficulty, with Easy drastically cutting down the time it will take you to get through it. Playing on Easy will also make getting the missable trophies throughout the game more manageable, so make sure you look at those below before starting your first run. However, playing on Normal unlocks the handy item called The Secrets of Defense, so if you can manage to do that in your first run, you should prevent having to do a fourth just for that item. During this playthrough, you’ll also want to collect every collectible to have resources going into your harder playthroughs and don’t have to worry about them. There are also two endings in the game. You can go for either one in this playthrough, but you’ll want to remember which you got to make sure to get the other next.
Trophies in this Step:
- Can’t Catch Me (Missable)
- Nice Try (Missable)
- Duck If You Love Life (Missable)
- Things Got Personal (Missable)
- Slash Slash, Slahsity Slash! (Missable)
- Less is More (Missable)
- Back Off, Mrs. B! (Missable)
- Fly Swatter (Missable)
- Out Before Dessert (Missable)
- That’s a Spicy Meat-a-Ball (Missable)
- She’s Alive
- Welcome to the Family, Son
- You Ain’t Gettin’ Away
- The Grave will be Out the Truth
- You Better Start Running
- Into the Depths
- Playing it Safe
- Behind Closed Doors
- Arms in the Air
- A-ha!
- Master of Unlocking
- Open Your Eyes
- In the Bag
- 1st Place at the Science Fair
- Be Kind, Please rewind
- Pelicans in Your Pocket
- The Devil Is in the Details
- He’s Here, There, Everywhere!
- Mr. Nowhere
Step Two: The Speedrun
For your second playthrough, you’ll be trying to achieve a run through the game in less than four hours while picking up a few other challenging trophies along the way. Doing this before your Madhouse difficulty playthrough will make it easier, so you should attempt this second. Beating the game in under four hours may also sound very challenging, but you shouldn’t have any problems doing it in around three if you don’t make too many mistakes. You should also note that making multiple save files is a great way to recover from errors, as well as that having the game paused does not add to your time, so feel free to keep a walkthrough up to reference as you go.
You’ll also be going for the Resource Manager and Walk It Off trophies during this playthrough. This means that you’ll only be able to use an item box or first aid meds three times each. You have to use an item box to progress through the story twice, so you only have one time to use it. During this playthrough, you’ll also want to get the second ending, so check Just A Memory Now below before you begin.
Trophies in this step:Â
- Just A Memory Now
- Just Get Me Outta Here
- Resource Manager
- Walk it Off
Step Three: Madhouse
For your third playthrough of the base game, you’ll have to beat it on the punishing Madhouse difficulty. However, it will be much more manageable as you should have both The Essence of Defense and The Secrets of Defence to reduce the damage you take and the Circular Saw melee weapon that is the strongest in the game. The Circular Saw will allow you to shred through bosses without worrying about ammunition at all, which is a massive help. The difficulty also mixes up the locations of enemies, so be ready to adapt to that, and you have a limited number of saves available throughout the playthrough. However, there are tapes next to every cassette recorder, so you can save every time you find one. During this playthrough, you’ll also have to collect all of the Ancient Coins, which there are 33 of this time around.
Trophies in this step:
- Who’s Your Daddy Now?
- Mad Pelicans
Step Four: End of Zoe DLC
You’ll have to play through this DLC three times, adding around another 15 hours to your playtime. For your first playthrough, run through the game on Normal difficulty. During that playthrough, you’ll want to get a 4-hit combo with your fists, and stealth kill five enemies to get some miscellaneous trophies. Then, you’ll start a second playthrough using only the AMG-78a you unlocked by beating it on Normal difficulty. For some reason, the gun doesn’t count as one, so you’ll be able to both get a trophy for beating it without weapons and one for getting through the first level extremely fast to complete an Extreme Challenge. Finally, you have to play through it again on the Joe Must Die Difficulty. This difficulty is like Madhouse but is a bit more challenging. To help yourself out, make sure you craft as many spears and ammunition for your shotgun and take advantage of everything at your disposal.
Trophies in this step:
- Promise Kept
- Queensberry Rules
- Swamp Warfare
- The Only Guns You Need
- Fastest Man in the Swamp
- King of the Swamp
Step Five: Banned Footage Vol. 1
The second DLC will add around 15 hours of playtime, but you’ll have to run through various levels that can be incredibly punishing. First, you’ll want to play through the Bedroom story and collect the three hidden rat collectibles. Then, you can move on to the Nightmare and Night Terror levels, which function similarly to the Call of Duty’s Nazi Zombies game mode. Finally, you’ll play the Ethan Must Die level, a tough version of the Mutated Marguerite fight in the base game. Once that’s out of the way, though, you’ll be able to move on.
Trophies in this step:Â
- Like Mama Used to Make
- Ratcatcher
- Dead by Dawn?
- Sleepless in Dulvey
- Ethan Never Dies
Step Six: Banned Footage Vol. 2
This DLC is structured identically to the first Banned Footage and will likely take you another 15 hours to check off. The first one to do is called 21. There are three difficulties you’ll have to complete, but it functions the same as a game of Black Jack with you playing against a procession of enemies. Then, you’ll want to do the prologue Daughters level. You’ll have to play through it twice to get both of its available endings. Finally, you can move on to Jack’s 55th Birthday. This stage requires you to run around a map gathering supplies and getting food to give to Jack on his birthday. You’ll likely have to run through it a handful of times to reach its trophies, but they aren’t that difficulty.
Trophies in this step:Â
- Eye in the Sky
- Card Shark
- You Gotta Know When To Hold ‘Em
- Butterfly Effect
- One Instinct: Survival
- Don’t Keep the Man Waiting
- Miracle Chef
- Best Birthday Ever
Step Seven: Not a Hero
The final DLC is called Not a Hero. You’ll have to play through it twice, but it should only take around five hours. The mode is much more action-packed than the base game, and for your first playthrough, you just have to run through it on Easy or Normal. During this playthrough, you should also get all of the antique coins to get some helpful abilities for a future playthrough. If you have a hard time on the harder Professional difficulty playthrough, you can do an optional speedrun playthrough to beat it in under an hour and get another convenient ability to help you out. Once you’ve beaten it on Professional, you’ll have both of the DLC’s trophies.
Trophies in this step:
- Mission Accomplished
- You’re the Hero Now
Resident Evil 7 Trophies
She’s Alive
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This is a story trophy you will unlock naturally.
Welcome to the Family, Son
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This is a story trophy you will unlock naturally.
You Ain’t Gettin’ Away
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This is a story trophy you will unlock naturally.
The Grave will be Out the Truth
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This is a story trophy you will unlock naturally.
You Better Start Running
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This is a story trophy you will unlock naturally.
Into the Depths
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This is a story trophy you will unlock naturally.
End of the Night
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for getting the first ending to the game.
Tips:Â To get this ending, you have to choose to save Mia after fighting the mutated Jack Baker.
Just A Memory Now
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for getting the second ending to the game.
Tips:Â To get this ending, you have to choose to save Zoe after fighting the mutated Jack Baker.
Playing it Safe
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the game on Easy.
The Nightmare’s Finally Over
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the game on Normal.
Who’s Your Daddy Now?
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the game on Madhouse.
Tips:Â Madhouse’s difficulty is only unlocked by beating the game on either Normal or easy. Doing so, and doing the speedrun trophy, will help you out a lot by unlocking The Essence of Defence, The Secrets of Defence, and the Circular Saw. The two defense books will drastically reduce the damage you take, while the Circular Saw will allow you to kill most enemies and bosses pretty quickly. So, you can use up your ammunition without worrying about being left defenseless. You also will have limited saves, but every Cassette Recorder will have a tape next to it, so a good strategy is to save each time you come across one for the first time.
Behind Closed Doors
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for closing a door behind you after you walk through it.
Arms in the Air
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for blocking an enemy attack.
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for finding an item by closely examining another item.
Master of Unlocking
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for using a lockpick to open a lock.
Nice Try
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for putting any item on the plinth in the Old Mansion.
Tips:Â You can put anything on the Shadow Plinth to get this trophy, whether a knife, the Clock Pendulum, or something else.
Open your Eyes
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description: This trophy is for using the new psychostimulants consumable.
Tips:Â You will find multiple psychostimulants during your playthrough. Use one, and this trophy will be unlocked.
In the Bag
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for expanding your inventory.
Tips:Â You can do this once you reach the Old House, where there is a backpack you can pick up in the northwest save room that will give your more inventory slots.
Things Got Personal
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for dealing the killing blow to an enemy with your knife.
Slash Slash, Slashity Slash!
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for using your knife to clear insects off a door in the Old House.
Back Off, Mrs. B!
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for fighting Marguerite as she roams the Old House.
Tips:Â Before attempting this, make sure to have the flamethrower and bring a lot of ammunition, as she has a lot of health for you to work through before she will run away. Once you do, this trophy is yours.
Duck If You Love Life
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for ducking Jack’s scissor attack during his boss fight in the Processing Area by crouching.
Less is More
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for killing two enemies with one shot.
Tips:Â You can do this throughout the game, but the most accessible place is in the Old House by shooting a nearby insect swarm with your shotgun.
Fly Swatter
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for shooting Marguerite during her boss fight with your shotgun when she is in the air jumping at you.
That’s a Spicy Meat-a-Ball!
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description: This trophy is for putting a remote bomb on an enemy and then killing them with it.
1st Place at the Science Fair
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for crafting one of each item that uses Chem Fluid or Strong Chem Fluid.
Tips:Â The items you have to craft for this trophy are below:
- Chem Fluid + Herb = First Aid Med
- Chem Fluid + Gun Powder = Handgun Ammo
- Chem Fluid + Solid Fuel = Burner Fuel
- Chem Fluid + Supplements = Psychostimulants
- Strong Chem Fluid + Herb = Strong First Aid Med
- Strong Chem Fluid + Gun Powder = Enhanced Handgun Ammo
- Strong Chem Fluid + Solid Fluid = Flame Rounds
- Strong Chem Fluid + Supplements = Neuro Rounds
Can’t Catch Me
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for going through the Mia videotape without being spotted.
Tips:Â This trophy is relatively easy to accomplish. As you go through the level, hide whenever you hear her approaching and then wait for her to go by and the noise to fade away.
Out Before Dessert
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for finishing the Happy Birthday videotape in less than five minutes.
Tips:Â Luckily, you can repeat the tape as many times as necessary to get this trophy, so don’t be afraid of trying it multiple times. The steps to get through it are below:
- Grab the candle
- Go into the room with the birthday cake
- Open the medicine cabinet with the combination Chainsaw Man, Hat with Raven, and Baby
- Get the Winding Key from inside the keg
- Light the candle using the stove
- Burn the Straw Doll on the stove
- Burn the rope on the door with the candle
- Grab the Ballon
- Use the Ballon with the leaky pipe
- Use the Dummy Finger and the Quill Pen with the man’s left hand, and then use the Winding Key with his torso.
- Enter the word loser in the lock of the door in the room filled with balloons
- Grab the Valve
- Use the Valve with the water pipe
- Light the candle on the stove
- Put the candle on the cake
Be Kind, Please Rewind
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for experiencing all four video tapes in one playthrough.
Tips:Â See Mr. Nowhere below.
Pelicans in Your Pocket
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for finding all 18 antique coins on Easy or Normal difficulty.
Tips:Â See Mr. Nowhere below.
Mad Pelicans
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for finding all 33 antique coins on Madhouse difficulty.
Tips:Â The locations for all 33 coins are below:
- During the Derelict House videotape, get the lockpick from the ground behind you when it starts. Go to the kitchen and use the lockpick to unlock the locked drawer. When you play as Ethan again, go to that same drawer.
- Inside the small vase on a TV stand in the Main House’s Living Room.
- Up the ladder in the Garage after fighting Jack.
- Inside a table to your left when you enter the Main Hall.
- In a small vase next to the scorpion Door in the Recreation Room.
- Behind the painting frame at the top of the stairs on the second floor in the Main House.
- In the toilet in the Drawing Room of the Main House.
- On a yellow plate below a gurney in the Incinerator Room.
- On a metal cart in the hallway leading to the Snake Door.
- In a box in the Dissection Room.
- In a hole blocked by a movable piece of metal across the Yard from the Trailer.
- On the left side of the deck, outside the Dining Room of the Old House.
- Underneath the table with boxes in the Gallery in the Old House.
- On some broken boards to your left after going through the wall of spider paintings.
- Inside the end table near the scale with a lantern by the Altar in the Old House.
- On a speaker box to your left when you crawl out of the Greenhouse.
- On a green workbench in the basement of the Greenhouse.
- Through the Crow Door in the Main House.
- On metal shelves to your right after climbing to the Attic in the Main House.
- On a table behind the TV where you watch Lucas’ video.
- In a cage with a mannequin head beyond the room filled with tripwire bombs.
- In a dark corner past the crates at the bottom of the stairs at the end of the hallway leading to the Party Room.
- In a workbench, in the supply closet after you fight the 4-legged Molded in the Testing Area.
- On a shelf straight ahead of you after you find the burnt corpse with the note.
- In a laundry machine through the double doors to your right in the Laundry Room in the Wrecked Ship.
- At the bottom of the blocked-off exit on the fourth floor of the Wrecked Ship.
- On a small table outside of the save room on the second floor of the Wrecked Ship.
- In a small vase in a room next to the Dining Room in the Wrecked Ship.
- In the corner at the end of the hall behind the locked door of the Control Room in the Wrecked Ship.
- On the floor to the right of the door to the Engine Room in the Wrecked Ship.
- Inside, a locked safe in the Engine Room of the Wrecked Ship opened with Corrosive.
- On the desk to your right in the room with a fence when you control Ethan in the Wrecked Ship.
- In the water around where you have to jump over a log in the Swamp.
The Devil is in the Details
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for reading all 32 files in the game in a single playthrough.
Tips:Â See Mr. Nowhere below.
He’s Here, There, Everywhere!
Rarity: Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for destroying one Mr. Everywhere statue.
Tips:Â See Mr. Nowhere below.
Mr. Nowhere
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for destroying every Mr. Everywhere statue.
Tips:Â There are 74 total collectibles throughout the game that you will have to get to unlock all of the trophies. The Collectibles and where to find them are below:
Collectible Type | Area | Location |
File | Outside the Guest House | Examine the e-mail you get from Mia right at the start of the game. |
Videotape | Guest House | Upstairs on a desk next to the tape recorder. |
Antique Coin | Inside a locked drawer in the kitchen. To unlock it, you have to turn around at the start of the tape and pick up the lockpick, then go to the kitchen and unlock it. Then, go to that same drawer as Ethan and grab the coin. | |
File | Next to the bolt cutters in the basement, you need to save Mia. | |
On the back of the above file. | ||
File | Main House | On the backside of the cabinet, in the room where you have dinner with the family. |
On top of a pile of newspapers in the living room next to the dining area. | ||
Antique Coin | On top of a red vehicle along the path to the save room after going through the hatch’s underground path. | |
Mr. Everywhere | Before going to the Garage to meet the deputy, go to the long hallway. The statue is on a desk next to the locked door to the main hall. | |
After getting your first statue, go to the save room. The next one is below the tape recorder. | ||
On a desk right by the door when you enter the main hall. | ||
Antique Coin | In a cabinet inside the main hall. | |
File | A newspaper in the main hall on top of a table near the shadow plinth. | |
Inside a cabinet on the second floor in the room with the bar and the pool table. | ||
On a table below a mounted cow head in the same room as the above file. | ||
Antique Coin | Right next to the above file. | |
Mr. Everywhere | In a basket next to the above Antique Coin. | |
Videotape | On top of the bar in the same room as the above Mr. Everywhere statue. | |
Antique Coin | In a toilet in the second-floor bathroom. | |
Mr. Everywhere | You reach through the hidden pathway in the main hall to the right of the crow door in the room with the reindeer in it. | |
Antique Coin | In an ashtray on a table next to the bright red toolbox in the next room. | |
File | Inside the cabinet drawer in the next save room, you find a new kind of zombie after the meeting. | |
Back of the above file. | ||
Hanging above a sink in the incinerator room down in the basement. | ||
Antique Coin | A small gap next to the crate in the room is accessed by sliding open the green door. | |
Mr. Everywhere | Down in the corner to your right at the bottom of the staircase by where you find the scorpion key. | |
File | On top of the desk with the broken shotgun in the room behind the scorpion door. | |
In the drawer of a smaller desk inside the same room as the above file. | ||
Antique Coin | Yard | In a pot of one of the shrubs to the right of the stairs as you leave the house. |
Mr. Everywhere | Between the stairs leading up to the trailer. | |
Antique Coin | On the kitchen table inside of the trailer. | |
File | On the bulletin board to the left of the above Antique Coin. | |
Mr. Everywhere | Old House | On a shelf in the same room, you’ll find your first backpack. |
Behind the pallet on your left after you go through the crawlspace to get to the cellar stairs. | ||
Antique Coin | On the shelf to your left at the bottom of the cellar stairs. | |
File | Pinned to the crow door. | |
Mr. Everywhere | On a shelf to your left in the crawlspace where you get the crank. | |
Antique Coin | On the tank of the toilet in the northern shed, you open it with the crank. | |
File | Attached to the briefcase lid in the room behind the crow door. | |
On a small table in the back of the second-floor room up the stairs from the crow door room. | ||
Mr. Everywhere | Right next to the candle holder on the cabinet across from the door, you open with the lantern. | |
Antique Coin | In the cabinet drawer of the room, you’ll access behind the door you open with the lantern. | |
File | Yard | In the fridge inside the trailer. |
Old Mansion | On top of a desk in the room behind the snake door. | |
On top of another desk in the same room, the one with a broken mirror on it. | ||
Videotape | In the big cabinet at the top of the ladder to the Attic. | |
Mr. Everywhere | On a wooden beam right behind you after climbing the ladder to the Attic. | |
File | Right next to the clock in the master bedroom. | |
Antique Coin | Barn | Inside the drawer of a workbench in the room at the end of the hallway filled with trip mines. |
Mr. Everywhere | On one of the wooden beams at the top of the room filled with zombies. | |
File | Pinned to the burnt corpse on the second-floor room you go to after taking the elevator. | |
Antique Coin | On the bottom shelf behind you after you pick up the above file. | |
Mr. Everywhere | On top of the doorframe, you just walked through into the save room before leaving the barn. | |
Boat House | In a fishnet in the small shed before you use the crank after fighting Lucas. | |
Antique Coin | Wrecked Ship | To your right, at the first T-section in the tunnel, you’ll crawl through after going through the hatch. |
You’ll drop down into the water after climbing the long ladder. | ||
File | On a bed, in the bunk room down the hall to your right after you meet Evie. | |
On a table in a little room to the south of the room where you found the above collectible. | ||
Videotape | This one is an unmissable part of the story. | |
File | On the desk to your left when playing as Mia in the videotape. | |
Mr. Everywhere | On a railing to your left when looking at the blocked stairs on the ship’s bridge. | |
File | Attached to the wall of the broken elevator. | |
Mr. Everywhere | You are behind you when you climb the ladder in the northeast part of the area that heads to the third floor. | |
File | Attached to the sample kit when you exit the elevator on the third floor. | |
Antique Coin | Inside the locked toolbox in the room through the door next to the above file. | |
Inside is a locked box that has to be opened with corrosive at the bottom of the stairs after you go through the hallway of mold. | ||
Mr. Everywhere | Swamp | In the window to your left after you climb the ladder to get to the house in the Swamp. |
Mr. Everywhere | Salt Mine | If you walk past the mine cart on a platform above you, you have to push to reach the stairs. |
File | In the laptop on top of the workbench, you can reach it after moving the mine cart after you go through the door at the top of the stairs. | |
Lying on a shelf in the room where you have to make another serum. | ||
Attached to the necrotoxin container. | ||
Lying on the workbench behind the necrotoxin container. | ||
Turn around from the above file and climb up as high as possible. This file is laying on the desk with books all over it. | ||
Mr. Everywhere | On a bookcase to your right after you alk bast the wheelchair at the very end of the salt mine. |
Just Get Me Outta Here
Rarity:Â Gold
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the game in less than four hours.
Tips:Â As long as you follow a walkthrough and know where you’re going, you should efficiently finish the game in around three hours or even less.
Resource Manager
Rarity:Â Gold
Description:Â This trophy is for finishing the game without using an Item Box more than three times.
Tips:Â See Step Two of the walkthrough above.
Walk It Off
Rarity:Â Gold
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the game without using a First Aid item more than three times.
Tips:Â See Step Two of the walkthrough above.
End of Zoe Trophies
Promise Kept
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the DLC on Easy or Normal.
King of the Swamp
Rarity:Â Gold
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the DLC on Joe Must Die.
The Only Guns You Need
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the DLC on at least Normal without using weapons.
Tips:Â See Step Four of the walkthrough above.
Fastest Man in the Swamp
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for completing one of the DLC’s extreme challenges.
Tips:Â See Step Four of the walkthrough above.
Queensberry Rules
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for doing a 4-hit combo with your fists.
Tips:Â You should do this naturally during your first playthrough.
Swamp Warfare
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for stealth killing five zombies.
Banned Footage Vol. 1 Trophies
Dead by Dawn?
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for completing the Nightmare level.
Sleepless in Dulvey
Rarity:Â Silver
Description: This trophy is for completing the Night Terror level.
Like Mama Used to Make
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for completing the Bedroom level.
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for finding the hidden dead rats in the Bedroom level.
Tips: The rats all have to be found on a single playthrough of the level. Their locations are below:
- Behind the shutter door, only visible if you crouch.
- On top of the bookcase, after you unlock the door with the three symbols on it.
- Found by interacting with the food again after Clancy throws up.
Ethan Never Dies
Rarity:Â Gold
Description:Â This trophy is for finishing the Ethan Must Die level.
Tips:Â This trophy is one of the hardest in the game, as you have to play through the level while a single hit will kill you. Also, much of this level depends on RNG, so don’t be surprised if you have to play through it multiple times to get lucky. To make this easier, here are some tips:
- Simply run away from enemies until you get an upgrade so that you can perform takedowns with the pocket knife. Otherwise, killing them with the pocket knife is nearly impossible.
- Don’t hit any boxes if you hear a ticking noise nearby, as that indicates a trap set by Lucas. Also, keep an eye out for tripwire mines, as they are littered.
- The boss fight itself against Marguerite is a bit easier than the main game, so you should be good to go once you make it there.
Banned Footage Vol. 2 Trophies
Eye in the Sky
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the level 21.
Tips: This level has you playing blackjack against a computer through three rounds. As long as you play smartly and conservatively, you shouldn’t have a hard time getting through it. However, it may take a few tries since the game does rely on luck.
Card Shark
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for beating Survival mode in the level 21.
Tips:Â This is a harder version of the level that pits you against five opponents in a row rather than just one. However, you do get jokers more frequently to help balance things out.
You Gotta Know When To Hold ‘Em
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the Survival+ mode in the level 21.
Tips:Â This mode is the same as Survival mode but twice as long, so expect to be playing it for at least an hour to win. Luckily, you’ll be given even more jokers to help you get along.
Butterfly Effect
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for getting the bad ending in the Daughters level.
Tips:Â To get the bad ending, grab the keys off Marguerite in the house’s main hall. Then, go to the Garage and get into the car.
One Instinct: Survival
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for getting the true ending in the Daughters level.
Tips:Â To get the true ending, you have to leave the house through eh front door. To do so, follow these steps:
- Go down the hatch in the room next to the kitchen to get the lock pick.
- Go to the laundry room and grab some clothes.
- Go into the upstairs bathroom, open the locked drawers, and take the small component.
- Go to Lucas’ old room and us that component on the trophy by the ladder.
- Go up the ladder and use the computer with the password “1019.”
- Give the clothes you grabbed to Evie and go to the bathroom where Marguerite is.
- Go to the Garage and get the rope when Jack tells you to.
- Go back to the bathroom.
- When Jack starts chasing you run to the recreation room and tie the door to the wall with the ropoe.
- Go to the room to your left and grab the folk.
- Use the folk on the boarded window and jump through it.
- Go through the gap at the end of the Vendetta and open the red box to get the dog head relief.
- Pull the grating through the wall and then wait for Jack and Lucas to leave on the other side of it.
- Crawl through it and sneak past Marguerite.
- Go to the front door and use the dog head relief to open it.
- Head to the trailer and read the notes on the table.
Don’t Keep the Man Waiting
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for beating Jack’s 55th Birthday level with a time bonus of at least ten minutes.
Tips:Â The timer for the level stops ticking whenever you damage an enemy. If you grab the power-ups that spawn on the table when you feed Jack and make sure to attack enemies as you go, you should get this easily.
Miracle Chef
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for feeding Jack every type of food during the Jack’s 55th Birthday level.
Tips:Â The 19 food items you have to feed Jack are listed below. Some only spawn on higher levels, so don’t panic if you don’t find them in the early ones. A few foods also have to be crafted, but the level itself will fill you in.
- Baker Family Special
- Beer
- Dulvey Cru
- Stew
- Cheese Fondue
- Cheesecake
- Chicken
- Spicy Chicken
- Cheese
- Fruitcake
- Garbage
- Spice
- Cheap Wine
- Fruitbeer
- Sugarcake
- Tom Yum
- Cake
- Fruit
- Sugar
Best Birthday Ever
Rarity:Â Silver
Description:Â This trophy is for getting at least an S rank on every stage of the Jack’s 55th Birthday level.
Tips:Â Your rank depends on how much time it took you to complete the stage, so try to be as efficient as possible. As long as you’re smart about using power-ups and know where to look, getting an S isn’t very difficult. You should also skip giving Jack any Spices, Sugar, or Garbage, as he doesn’t like them much, and they don’t give you enough points to be worthwhile.
Not a Hero Trophies
Mission Accomplished
Rarity:Â Bronze
Description:Â This trophy is for beating the DLC on Easy or Normal.
You’re the Hero Now
Rarity:Â Silver
Description: This trophy is for beating the DLC on Professional.
Question: Should you Play Resident Evil 7 before Village?
Answer: You don’t need to play Resident Evil 7 before jumping into Village, but it will add to the story if you do since they are connected.
Question: Can you Turn Off the Gore in Resident Evil 7?
Answer: You can turn off blood getting splattered on the screen by going to the Display menu under Options, but you can’t turn off the rest of the gore throughout the game.
Question: Are Any Resident Evil 7 Trophies Missable?
Answer: Yes, there are a few missable trophies, but since you’ll be playing through the game three times to get the platinum, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get them if you miss them the first time.