Tower of Fantasy Tier List

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Tower of Fantasy has a limited but unique roster of characters that players can obtain in the game to ace through the overworld content or dominate the leaderboard against other players. It’s a unique fusion of PvP and PvE game modes where the character choice varies according to challenge requirements. You will often find yourself swapping characters in and out. Although, in the end, it all comes down to your skill and game sense while fighting mobs of enemies, but there are characters who are better than others in niche roles.

That’s why Tier lists are popular in games like Genshin Impact, Tower of Fantasy, Dota 2, and much more to give players an overview of character potency. While some characters are good in defense, others excel in churning out massive damage to opponents. Ultimately, after enough play testing and battle checks, Tier lists are curated to quickly serve a buffet of concise information to players who are short on time.

In this Tower of Fantasy Tier List guide, I will take you through all the prerequisites you need to know to make optimal team compositions and list out characters according to their best roles in the game. It’s a no-brainer that a single character cannot do everything, and you have to compare unique aspects of other characters to choose them for your team. With that being said, grab your Jetboard, and let’s glide over the Tower of Fantasy Tier list guide!


Before we move onto character Tier lists, you should know a few things before you hop onto character selection. Usually, when you are starting out, you won’t have enough characters, but as you progress, wish more, and get more characters, you will end up with SR characters who have advancements. In this game, I don’t think you should stick with SR characters if you get a better SSR character simply because of their power difference.

Sure, SR characters like Ene in the game are really good and comparable to SSR characters in some cases, but that’s still quite rare. Further, the combat in Tower of Fantasy is further complicated by various items and buffs that you can acquire. Different characters, Relics, Matrices, Gear, and level buffs are things you should keep in mind while taking on a challenging battle.

Now, you don’t need to constantly stress over them because different PvP and PvE modes have specific requirements for completion. While you have to rely on Relics and characters more in PvP modes like Apex League, on the other hand, an overworld boss will demand a team battle. I surely, cannot go in all depth on Relics and Best Teams here, but I highly recommend you to check out our guides on them.

The Best Relics guide covers all the Relics that we have in the game. It presents an overview of each relic that’s suitable for a particular situation. Also, you will learn about different game modes in the game and what kind of Relics you should use in those scenarios.

On the other hand, the Best Teams guide will cover the team compositions that are suited for each game mode in the game. You may ask, what’s the difference between Best Teams guide and the Tier list guide, then? I’ve not dived deep into each character in the Best Teams guide, but here I will go over each character and justify their standing in the Tier List by going over their unique or sometimes peculiar skill aspects.

Tier List

Let’s take a look over a Tier list that I created so that you can get an overview of these characters in a better way. Rather than only comparing them with damage output, I’ve taken into account other factors like ease of use, playstyle, and specific team roles so that you can choose a character that suits your needs. Also, I will consider that you don’t have any advancement on SSR characters to keep the list simple.

Tier List
The Tier list focuses on characters with a constraint of without any advancement. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

I completely agree that there can be variations to this tier list. However, I’ve focused on PvE mode in this to avoid all sorts of combinations of Tier lists that can be forged in PvP mode. If you want to know about PvP mode, I highly recommend you check out our Best teams guide, where I discuss viable team compositions in depth. With that said, let’s go over all characters one by one to learn about their gameplay and aspects that make them unique to a team.

S Rank Characters


Nemesis on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

I honestly had no clue why people wished for Nemesis back then and jumped on the hype train without watching any video about her. I knew she had a mechanical design and two hovering volt cannons around her. After spending a lot of time with her, I learned that she has Volt resonance that helps to boost the volt damage of the team if there are two or more volt characters present.

Not only this, she provides healing and off-field damage with her skills that are crucial to combat where you want to focus more on the damage dealer. Nemesis can also attack in mid-air, which can help you dodge enemies on the land for a brief duration, depending on your stamina consumption, or wait till your dashes charge to reposition yourself.


Frigg on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

I’m just in awe of Frigg because she is terrifying on the battlefield. I tried my best to get her and eventually got her after exchanging flaming gold in the shop. And, I must say the results weren’t disappointing at all. There were ruin bosses that I wasn’t able to complete because my main team Samir, Nemesis, and King, lacked agility. But, once I got Frigg, I had zero dash consumption in her skill area and could multi-slash a group of enemies. The best thing about Frigg is that you can abuse her skill to move freely across the skill area, and the cooldown is only a few seconds once the skill ends.

To push her limits more, she has Frost resonance that increases the Frost damage of teammates if there are two or more Frost characters present and becomes a staple in Frost team compositions. She can do a decent amount of Shatter and Charge to a group of enemies, which can help her turn into a main or burst DPS character with the Frost buff passive.


Cobalt-B on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Cobalt-B has just launched into the game today at the time of writing, and to everyone’s surprise, she’s received changes from her Chinese version. She features Flame resonance that boosts the team’s flame damage and increases resistance if there are two or more flame characters in the party. This will make her burst support or main damage dealer, depending on the characters in your team. I tried her yesterday in the game and was surprised to see her skills, but she’s a really good character who will help you in the long run unless a character power creeps her in the future.


There have been speculations that Ruby might be available soon in the game, but for the time being, Cobalt-B features flame resonance that’s undeniably vital if you want to go with a flame team.


Meryl on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Meryl is a really good character who can take advantage of her CC immune skills to tackle enemies in tense situations. It may take some time to get used to her playstyle, but once you are comfortable enough, you can obliterate enemies’ shields. But, her discharge ability is like a double-edged sword in the same cases. If you are in a team battle, you may end up locking your own teammates while discharging. That can lead to a complete team wipeout in case a boss like Apophis attacks the players without protection. On the other hand, you can rely on her discharge ability to burst out massive damage to enemies, crowd-control them and remove all debuffs from your character.


Claudia on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Claudia features a Physical resonance passive that can help to increase the Physical damage of the team if there are two or more physical characters. Shiro is a go-to option with Claudia if you are using her and helps to charge the discharge abilities of other characters. Her skill helps to cover an area and has less cooldown, which makes her an amazing option for being a charge character. The best aspect about Claudia is that you gain immunity to crowd control effects after using her discharge ability and skill, which makes her a potent option if you are facing annoying opponents.


Cocoritter on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

I would say she’s the best healer in the game who can heal and debuff your characters from severe external effects applied by enemies. All you have to do is to pop up her skill to create a moving zone of healing that follows your character and even heals nearby team members. Sometimes, when I’m in a tense situation like a Raid boss challenge, I switch my team to a complete healer team with Cocoritter, Nemesis, and Zero to complement for lack of skill recharge and burst to heal my teammates.


Tsubasa on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Tsubasa is a character that will pay off long-term in the game because of her damage boosting and buff capabilities, which a player can easily capitalize on to boost damage output. I love that her skill cooldown is less, enabling you to target a group of enemies and charge the skills in a short amount of time. Also, you get a damage buff from her abilities that can help you to maximize your damage potential.


Huma on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Huma is a really good character who has a fusion of a shield and an axe in her kit. She’s a perfectly balanced character who can charge, shatter, reduce incoming damage, and apply heal reduction and tank damage at the same time. Indeed, she’s an amazing character who will make you flexible enough to switch to any role. But, the caveat is that some players might not get used to her playstyle from the get-go, like Samir, because she has a learning curve, and you have to know how her attacks change in each form.

A Rank Characters


Shiro on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Shiro may feel underwhelming at first, but once you get her advancements, she will shine in her role. She can create a zone of physical damage with her skill and discharge ability also helps to burst damage enemies in an area. However, if you don’t have advancements in her, the skills will take more time, leading to team rotation disruption. But, overall, she’s a good character who can act as a sub-DPS in certain situations, and her discharge ability helps to remove external debuffs.


Crow on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Crow was nerfed once the developers got to know about his Jetpack abuse, which led to insane competition in PvP modes like Apex league, where Crow mains basically obliterated their competition. Won’t lie; I was enjoying this because some Crow mains were helping out people in boss fights, but it was fixed. However, you still need to put in decent time to learn to use his skills and position yourself on the battlefield to attack enemies to capitalize on his high-damage skills. Crow is a character who focuses on Crit rate and damage to burn enemies’ health bars in the shorted amount possible, but you need to pay attention to your attack combos, skill, and discharge ability.


Samir on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Samir is a de-facto main DPS character for most players in the game because of her easy-to-play playstyle and attack combos that depend on your left-click spam. I have maxed out Samir and love the experience so far, but even if you don’t have any advancements on her, she won’t disappoint. Now, the only thing that I have to bear with her in combat is the Rising Kick skill that makes her go airborne.

This is a double-edged sword. Sure it helps you to avoid enemies on the ground and position yourself in the air for a brief duration, but also, when you want to immediately close the distance with a dash, you will go airborne, and that may disrupt the playstyle. For me, her pros with advancements weigh more than the cons, but I had to train my muscle memory to avoid going airborne at crucial moments.


King on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

King is an amazing character who can help you to destroy enemies’ shields in an area and also act as an off-field damage dealer. Most of the time, I prefer to use King than Meryl because I can just pop up his discharge ability and go back to the main damage dealer like Samir to continue the damage. King is an inseparable part of the team because of how useful his Fire element is in world exploration and against enemy shields.

B Rank Characters


Zero on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Zero without advancements is only good to give a shield to characters and charge-discharge abilities. However, once you reach his first advancement, he can produce healing orbs, but still, I won’t say that his healing is good enough. Zero needs a good amount of investment to potentially become viable as a healer and a supporting character. With extra advancements, Zero will boost your team’s damage, however, that’s a long shot considering the fact that it’s gonna take a lot of wishes to farm black gold and the Gacha system depends on RNG.


Pepper on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

In my opinion, Pepper is a simplified version of Cocoritter with a volt element in her kit. I used Pepper until I got Cocoritter, but the only major difference I observed was my healing skill. With Pepper, you have to stay at one place where you can obtain healing from the circle, but Cocoritter’s skill moves along with the player. Nonetheless, I suggest you build Pepper until mid-game until you get Cocoritter or Nemesis in the future. There are only a few healers in the game, and when the enemies become fierce, you have to have a healer on your team.


Ene on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Ene is an underrated character for being an SR character. She’s really good with higher advancements and obtains damage reduction and stun effects on normal attacks. In some situations, she’s on par with some SSR characters when maxed out, but it depends on whether you want to invest in her or not. In my honest opinion, she’s good and sometimes outclasses SSR characters in specific ways.

Bai Ling

Bai Ling is also a trimmed-down version of Tsubasa in physical form, where she deals piercing damage to a group of enemies in front of her. Though her advancements and skills are good for dealing damage to enemies until mid-game, she will be outclassed once you get a better SSR character.

Bai Ling
Bai Ling on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

C Rank Characters


Hilda on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Hilda’s abilities, advancements, and skills are good enough for a character, but her weapon is the major caveat. The majority of the fights in Tower of Fantasy are fast-paced, where you have to reposition your character and not be stuck in one place for long. Hilda’s weapon, in an alternate form, forces you to be in one place and restricts movement on the battlefield. Also, the time to switch is significant, and you must check your ammo count. To me, it is a hassle in a game where you have characters who can keep going on.


Echo on the Simulacra page. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Echo is a character that you will obtain quite early in the game and use for a while to defeat early-game enemies. Frankly speaking, the moment you get an SSR character or a better character, you will shift to that character, and Echo will be benched for eternity. Unless you don’t have a character who can churn out volt damage or apply volt, you won’t need Echo in 99% of the situations. Feel free to use her Simulacra if you want to use her skin in the game, but meta-wise, she will fall off.

Tier List Questions

Question: How Good are Limited Characters Like Nemesis, Frigg, Claudia, or Cobalt-B?

Answer: I would say that they are really good because of their kit that features elemental resonances for the team to enhance your overall damage potential. Nemesis focuses on Volt, Frigg on Frost, and Claudia on physical, which can turn out to be a decent character investment in the future. What I mean to say is that it may look like 15 % resonance isn’t much, but when your characters’ damage starts to scale in thousands or even millions, if you are heavily invested, then these percentages can make a day and night difference in damage output. 

Question: Should I Follow the Chinese Tower of Fantasy Tier Lists?

Answer: I would suggest you avoid that and stick to the Global tier lists because the characters are changing to balance the Global version. And, recently, Cobalt-B has higher Shatter and Flame resonance, both of which are not present in the Chinese version. If I had gone by the Chinese version, then Cobalt-B would have ended up either in A tier or B tier, but now she has a Flame resonance that has instantly boosted her to S-tier. It’s speculated that Ruby might be coming into the game once Vera launches, but now, with the incoming changes to characters in the Global launch, we may see shuffling in Tier lists.
I would stand by my claim that the Tier lists won’t match the exact Chinese versions because the characters are having nerfs and buffs in the Global launchs.

Question: How Good are SR Characters in Tower of Fantasy? Should I Use SR Characters?

Answer: The best aspect of SR characters is that you can easily maximize their advancements in the game because they are in abundance when you summon characters on a promotional banner. However, not all the SR characters are insanely good because certain SSR characters, even without any advancements, outclass maxed-out SR characters without a fudge. A notable mention of an SR character that can compete on par with SSR characters is Ene and her weapon Pummeler. With better advancements in her weapon, Ene can dish out a lot of damage to enemies and can stun enemies with normal attacks. Here I assume that you can get her to 6-star and invest heavily in your gear and matrices.

Question: What do you Think About Characters in the Global Version When Compared with their China Counterparts?

Answer: Honestly, there’s not a solid opinion from my end because the characters in the Global version launch have changes in their skills. I do know that there are a lot of members in the global community who want to save for future characters and get the best meta characters. But, I would say that you shouldn’t make any judgment or have high expectations just because a character is completely broken in the Chinese version, but when that launches in the Global version, your hopes are shattered. A prime example is Cobalt-B, who has received changes in her kit and now has better Shatter compared to her Chinese version.
For the time being, invest in characters like Nemesis, Tsubasa, or Cocoritter, who can help you in the long run and won’t be power crept for a long time. 

Tier List, Writer’s Remarks

Tier Lists are good to give you a crux of character power levels, but it’s no hard and fast rule that you should always follow them. I always believe that Tier Lists are okay to follow as long as you are having fun with the characters. Suppose you like Ene as a character and don’t want to go with Meryl for any reason, then it’s perfectly okay to go with that choice to enjoy the game.

Frankly speaking, I’ve seen a lot of players in my server using Ene than other SSR characters in their team just because they love her character design or weapon. It won’t happen that you will lose battles frequently just because you have an SR character in your team. The only thing you have to keep in mind is to support your team and fill up the gaps that are in the team composition. I’ve played many multiplayer games where I went to a support team rather than a DPS team because the team already had many DPS units.

In the end, I would say go with Tier lists if you want to but also make sure you love those characters and fill up the gaps in team compositions in boss raids. Efficient gaming is when you think towards a common goal and do not act selfishly to abandon the team just because a rogue player decided to do so. I’ve cleared Raid Boss with a party of three or four people as well, and the only reason we won was team-sync. Sometimes, random players are really good and if you happen to find such players, add them as your friends.

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