Dishonored Trophy Guide

Dishonored Trophy Guide

Latest posts by Eoin Black (see all)

I have Platinumed Dishonored three times. Twice for the PlayStation three, and once on the Definitive Edition. I’ve also Platinumed Dishonored 2, Death of the Outsider, and Deathloop. So, to say I know a thing or two about trophy hunting within these games is an understatement.

That’s why I’ve put together this definitive Dishonored trophy guide. I’ll be going over each trophy individually, explaining how to get them. I’ll also plot out three runs you can do to take you from zero trophies to the Platinum. Do your runs in my order, and you’ll have no issues hitting all the trophies you need.

Key Info Up Front

  • Genre: Stealth action.
  • Difficulty: Moderate.
  • The number of playthroughs needed: Two (plus a third to replay certain missions).
  • The total number of trophies: 51.


I would always recommend playing through the game normally first before you start hunting for achievements. This will give you a base to start hunting from and give you the knowledge and experience you need to hunt trophies effectively.

With that in mind, I’m going to operate under the assumption that you know Dishonored’s basic mechanics, as well as the methods to eliminate each target. I will only be running you through the trophies you need to hit in each run. I will not be walking you through how to complete the missions in those runs.

Run One – Nonlethal and Ghost

dishonored trophy

The first run I recommend you do is a nonlethal Ghost run. This involves completing the game while never killing anyone and never being detected. Some people prefer to separate these two categories, but I find that they go hand in hand.

This run is going to be all about save-scumming. Save regularly, and reload regularly whenever you get caught. Beyond that, abuse your powers. Dark Vision and Bend Time are both busted for this style of run, and the latter is mandatory for some trophies.

Trophies in This Run

The following trophies will be unlocked naturally by doing a Clean Hands Ghost run:

  • Ghost.
  • Shadow.
  • Specter.
  • Faceless.
  • Surgical.
  • Clean Hands.
  • Political Suicide.
  • Just Dark Enough.
  • Vanished.
  • Well Mannered.
  • Mercy is the Mark.
  • Long Live the Empress.
  • Poetic Justice.

Beyond those trophies, these are the optional ones that are best suited to this style of playthrough:

  • Alive Without Breath – Along the shoreline of the Hound’s Pit Pub between missions.
  • Creepy Crawly – During Mission three in the back alleyways.
  • Thief – Throughout the playthrough, just make sure you’re pickpocketing.
  • Inhabitant – During mission three while getting Creepy Crawly.
  • Speed of Darkness – At any point after getting Bend Time and Blink to level two. You may want to save, get this trophy while ignoring enemies, then reload the save.
  • King of the World – During mission four, when you’re crossing the bridge, use your powers to make your way to the top of the structure.

Run Two – Mostly Flesh and Steel

Once you’ve got Clean Hands and Shadow, you’re done with the hardest part. That run is the longest and most infuriating of the bunch, so it’s all downhill from here – starting with a Mostly Flesh and Steel run.

In a Mostly Flesh and Steel run, you can’t upgrade your Blink, and you can’t get any additional powers. Bone Charms are fine, as is using Blink level one. Beyond that, though, no powers. This limits our stealth capabilities, which is why I recommend going loud for the majority, not all, of this playthrough.

Play on the lowest difficulty, and don’t worry about stealthing through areas. You don’t have powers anyway, and this playstyle makes getting certain trophies a whole lot easier.

Trophies in This Run

mostly flesh and steel dishonored trophy

The following trophies will be unlocked naturally by doing a Mostly Flesh and Steel run:

  • Mostly Flesh and Steel.
  • Regicide.
  • Dunwall in Chaos. 

Here are the Mostly Flesh and Steel trophies that you’ll need to go a little bit out of your way to get:

  • Versatile – You’ll want to keep a list of the weapons needed for this trophy and check them off as you make your way through the game. You’ll be able to pop this trophy by mission seven. The only weapons that are missable are explosive bullets, for which the blueprint can be found during mission six next to the Lord Regent’s second-floor room, and stick grenades, for which the blueprint is in mission five, inside the guard post where you can hand over your invitation.
  • Wall of Sparks – Mission three, using a rewire tool on the Wall of Sparks in the main street.
  • Rogue – While most of this run will be done without caring for stealth, you do need to get the ten assassinations needed for this trophy.
  • Razor Rain – This goes hand-in-hand with Rogue. Five of your 10 Rogue kills can be air assassinations for Razor Rain.
  • Merchant of Disorder – You can do this one in any run, but I put it here because you’re going to want to upgrade your gear to compensate for your lack of powers. You should be able to get this trophy relatively early into the run, just make sure you’re stacking money and upgrading when and what you can.
  • Art Dealer – Art Dealer runs from the start of the game to mission seven. Not having to worry about stealth makes this one a lot easier, so keep the list of locations I included below next to you, and mark them off as you complete each mission.
  • Occultist – This can also be done on any run, given that you’re only collecting 10 Bone Charms. We can use these this run, though, making them extra important as we don’t have powers, so I included them here.
  • Cleaner – Kill five enemies in one fight – pretty self-explanatory. You can do this in mission two or three.
  • This is Mine – Can be done on any run, but not having to worry about the Weepers detecting you helps a ton. Plus, you don’t have powers, so your gear is extra important.
  • Gentleman Caller / Street Conspiracy – Make sure you do Granny Rags’ quest in mission two and Slackjaw’s in mission three. Once you reach the two in the sewers towards the end of the game, save. Resolve the situation for one of them, then reload and do it for the other.
  • The Art of the Steal – Mission three and mandatory for Art Dealer.
  • Bodyguard – Mission two. Switch the glasses to poison the High Overseer, then hide while Geoff makes his escape.
  • Lights Out – During the final mission, clear the island for easy access to the security systems.
  • Food Chain – Mission three. Next to the Brewery, or in the Flooded District.

Run Three – Wrap-Up

After doing a Clean Hands Ghost and a Mostly Flesh and Steel run, you’re done with all the hard parts. Ideally, you kept the two runs as separate saves. So, for the wrap-up, you can either start a new run or use your stealth run with access to your powers and just replay the missions you need.

Trophies in This Run

harm's way dishonored trophy

There are no naturally occurring trophies here, as you don’t need to complete the run fully. Instead, here are the leftover trophies you’ll need to hunt:

  • Manipulator – During mission two, you can knock out five enemies in the Brewery. Line them up, then get into a fight and make the enemy breathe fire on the pile of bodies. Alternatively, this can be done in any mission where enemies have ranged attacks and you have Possession level two.
  • Harm’s Way – Mission five. Deal with the Overseers at the party, then use your Possession to walk the partygoers into the Wall of Sparks until this pops. Remember to exit Possession slightly before you hit the wall. The person you’re possessing will stumble forward when you leave them, closing the gap.
  • Hornets’ Nest – Can be done on any mission, so long as you have the crossbow reload upgrade and Bend Time level two. Knock out four enemies and line them up. Stop time, fire a shot at each of their heads, then restart time.
  • Tempest – Can be done at the same time as Hornets’ Nest, just with six enemies instead of four.
  • The Escapist – Mission two or three. Aggro the enemies on the main street until there are at least five, then lose them by running away towards the docks.
  • An Unfortunate Accident – Load up mission three and speedrun to the Golden Cat. If Morgan is in the steam room, kill him by flooding it. If not, reset.
  • Back Home – Mission six. Make your way to the Lord Regent’s safe room. Deal with him, then dual the Overseer there. Wait for him to throw a grenade, activate Bend Time level two, pick up the grenade and throw it back. This might take multiple attempts to pop a save beforehand.
  • Big Boy – Mission five. Find the Tall Boy wandering outside the Boyle Mansion. Fight him using only your sword and Blink.


Platinum Blades and Dark Corners

  • Rarity: Platinum.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 11%.
  • Difficulty: Very Hard.
  • Playthrough: N/A.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 37%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

To get Thief, you have to pickpocket items worth a total of 200 coins. You should naturally pick this up during your stealth run. While you’re playing, keep an eye out for enemies with a coin pouch on the back of their belts. Whenever you see one, sneak up on them and steal it. You can kill them afterward – but make sure you’re sneaking when you pickpocket them.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 13%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

For Versatile, you need to kill someone with:

    • Your sword.
    • Normal bullets.
    • Explosive bullets.
    • Crossbow bolts.
    • Incendiary bolts.
    • Grenades.
    • Stick grenades.
    • Springrazor.

During your Mostly Flesh and Steel playthrough, you’ll be upgrading all your gear, so that’s when you’ll want to get Versatile. Keep this as a list during your playthrough and mark it off as you go. If you’re getting towards the end of the game and you have some weapons left, go out of your way to get a kill with them. It’s super simple.


  • Rarity: Silver.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 14%.
  • Difficulty: Hard.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

Ghost is unlocked by alerting and killing nobody but key targets after the prologue. Your first run will be no kills and no alerts, so this will pop naturally from that.


  • Rarity: Silver.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 14%.
  • Difficulty: Hard.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

Shadow is the same as Ghost, but it doesn’t have the non-lethal requirement, just the stealth one. Again, the first run in this Dishonored trophy guide is non-lethal and stealthy, so you will unlock it naturally at the end of that playthrough.

Mostly Flesh and Steel

  • Rarity: Silver.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 14%.
  • Difficulty: Very Hard.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

You unlock Mostly Flesh and Steel by completing the game without buying or upgrading any of your powers. You get level one Blink, and that’s it. This has a dedicated run, given that it severely limits what you can do while going for it.

Wall of Sparks

wall of sparks trophy dishonored

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 39%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

The Wall of Sparks trophy pops when you kill an enemy with a Wall of Light. You can either do this with Possession in the Wrap-Up run or by using a Rewire Tool in the Mostly Flesh and Steel run.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 55%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

Rogue pops when you assassinate 10 unaware enemies. That’s it. You can do this throughout any run except a nonlethal one.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 28%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

Specter requires you to complete a mission without alerting anyone and killing less than five people. Every single mission in the nonlethal and Ghost run needs to fulfill this requirement.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 35%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

Faceless is the same as Specter without the killing restriction – simply complete a mission in complete stealth. Again, every mission on the nonlethal Ghost run needs to fulfill this requirement.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 28%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Wrap-Up.

You need to make others kill five of their allies for Manipulator. This is very easy to get with Possession, so you should leave it for the wrap-up run.

Razor Rain

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 25%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

Razor Rain requires you to kill five characters with drop assassinations. This is a simple requirement for either your Mostly Flesh and Steel run or your wrap-up run.


  • Rarity: Silver
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 21%.
  • Difficulty: Average.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

To get Surgical, you need to complete every mission up to Kaldwin’s Bridge killing less than 10 people. Again, we have a nonlethal run, so that’s no issue.

Clean Hands

  • Rarity: Gold.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 15%.
  • Difficulty: Very Hard.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

Clean Hands is in the same category as Mostly Flesh and Steel – in that it gets an individual run. In this case, you need to finish the game without killing anyone. This requirement, along with never being detected, is the objective of this Dishonored trophy guide’s first run.

Harm’s Way

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 12%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Wrap-Up.

You need to cause five unintentional suicides for Harm’s Way. This is done with Possession, so we’ll save it for the wrap-up run.


inhabitant trophy dishonored

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 15%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

The Inhabitant trophy is unlocked by staying in possession of others for three minutes. That sounds tricky, but you can inhabit rats for the trophy, so it doesn’t impact our nonlethal and Ghost run. What’s more, if you possess a rat and go into a rat tunnel, you won’t be automatically kicked out of possession once the timer ends.

You’ll stay in possession until you leave the tunnel – so you can just possess a rat, go into a rat tunnel, then go make a cup of tea. When you’re back, the trophy will have popped.

Hornets’ Nest

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 14%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Wrap-Up

Hornet’s Nest makes you kill four enemies in one second using the crossbow. This is easy with the Bend Time level two power and crossbow reload upgrade, so we’ll save it for the wrap-up.

Speed of Darkness

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 29%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

For this one, you need to travel 30 meters in less than a second. Again, this one is easy with Bend Time level two and Blink level two. You just pop Bend Time, then Blink as far as you can go while time is stopped. Both of these powers are going to be important for your nonlethal run, so you can get it then, or during the wrap-up.


  • Rarity: Bonze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 14%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Wrap-Up.

This is just Hornets’ Nest, but with six enemies instead of four, and using anything – not just the crossbow. Ideally, you should construct a scenario to allow you to unlock both of these achievements at the same time. If not, use a grenade with Bend Time.

Merchant of Disorder

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 41%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

Merchant of Disorder pops when you acquire 15 equipment upgrades from Piero. You can do this on any run.

Art Dealer

  • Rarity: Silver.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 14%.
  • Difficulty: Hard.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

Art Dealer requires you to collect all 11 Sokolov Paintings in the game. I recommend doing this on Mostly Flesh and Steel. Some of these paintings are in tricky positions for Stealth runs – so not having to worry about that makes the whole process a lot faster and easier. Here are the locations of all 11 paintings:

    • Mission 2 – There is one painting inside the High Overseer’s hidden room.
    • Mission 3 – There are three paintings in mission three. All three paintings are located inside the Art Dealer’s house. The first painting is on the second floor, while the second painting is on the third floor. The final painting is in the safe on the third floor, but you will need to complete The Art of the Steal trophy to get it.
    • Mission 4 – There’s only one painting in mission four – next to the staircase on the ground floor of Skolov’s home.
    • Mission 5 – There are two paintings in mission five. The first one will spawn on a wall randomly in one of the three upstairs bedrooms. The second one will always spawn in the museum-like area in the center of the upstairs floor.
    • Mission 6 – There is one painting in mission six, located inside Dunwall Tower. From the Tower’s main entrance, navigate up the chandeliers to the top floor. Look for a room with a piano – the painting will be above the fireplace behind it.
    • Mission 7 – There are three paintings in mission seven. The first one is located in one of the buildings in the square next to the “To Daud’s Base” mission objective that connects to that area’s load zone. The second one is located on one of the dilapidated floors accessible through Daud’s secret exit. The last painting can only be obtained if you have completed Granny Rags and Slackjaw’s side missions up to this point. When you reach the pair in the Sewers, the final painting is above Granny Rag’s bed.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 80%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Any.

Occultist pops when you collect 10 Bone Charms. You can do this throughout any of your playthroughs. Using Bone Charms does not count as using one of your powers for Mostly Flesh and Steel so there’s nothing to worry about.

The Escapist

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 37%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Wrap-Up.

Obtaining The Escapist is very easy. After you escape Coldridge, you need to escape at least five enemies chasing you at the same time, without leaving the map or killing any of them. You can do this in any mission and any run, except nonlethal and Ghost.

However, doing this during Mostly Flesh and Steel can be tricky, as you have fewer tools at your disposal to hide with.


cleaner trophy dishonored

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 50%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

For Cleaner, you need to fight five enemies at the same time and kill all of them – super simple to do during your Mostly Flesh and Steel run.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 86%.
  • Difficulty: Story-related.
  • Playthrough: All.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 67%.
  • Difficulty: Story-related.
  • Playthrough: All.

Child Care

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 56%.
  • Difficulty: Story-related.
  • Playthrough: All.

Capturing Genius and Madness

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 50%.
  • Difficulty: Story-related.
  • Playthrough: All.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 32%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

Regicide is one of the few story-related trophies that are missable. This specific trophy requires you to kill the Lord Regent, meaning using the lethal method. Therefore, you need to do it on your Mostly Flesh and Steel or wrap-up runs.

Political Suicide

political suicide trophy dishonored

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 37%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

This is the opposite of Regicide. It requires you to deal with the Lord Regent using the nonlethal method, so it’ll be done during your Ghost playthrough.

This is Mine

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 44%.
  • Difficulty: Average.
  • Playthrough: Any.

This is Mine requires you to recover your belongings from the Flooded District after you escape. This is difficult to do on Ghost runs as there are Weepers everywhere. It’s equally difficult to do on Mostly Flesh and Steel as you have no powers to navigate the area. If you do decide to do this trophy on either of those runs, make sure you save often.


  • Rarity: Gold.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 43%.
  • Difficulty: Story-related.
  • Playthrough: All.

Dunwall in Chaos

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 30%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

Dunwall in Chaos is the game-completion trophy for finishing Dishonored in High Chaos. You should do this during your Mostly Flesh and Steel playthrough, as that run is designed to be done not worrying about stealth or killing.

Just Dark Enough

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 27%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

This is the opposite of Dunwall in Chaos and requires completion on Low Chaos. This should occur naturally at the end of your nonlethal and Ghost run.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 24%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

Vanished requires you to escape prison and the sewers without being detected. You have to do this for your nonlethal Ghost run.

Gentleman Caller

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 19%.
  • Difficulty: Average.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

Both this trophy and Street Conspiracy run alongside one another. Gentleman Caller is for completing all of Granny Rags’ missions, while Street Conspiracy is for Slackjaw. You need to do one of Slackjaw’s missions for nonlethal runs, but the others are not mandatory, so I recommend doing them all in a Mostly Flesh and Steel playthrough.

When you reach the final mission and confrontation between the two, make a save, and resolve the problem in favor of one of them. Then, reload the save and resolve it for the other party.

Street Conspiracy

street conspiracy trophy dishonored

  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 26%.
  • Difficulty: Average.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

Same as Gentleman Caller, except this one is for finishing all of Slackjaw’s missions.

The Art of the Steal

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 23%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

The Art of the Steal requires you to get the Art Dealer’s safe combination as a part of the nonlethal method for mission three. When you get the combination, go to the Art Dealer’s apartment and rob the safe before delivering the code to Slackjaw. This is needed for the Art Collector trophy, and partially for Clean Hands.

However, I would recommend doing it on Mostly Flesh and Steel as it is quite difficult to stealthily move around the inside of the apartment.

An Unfortunate Accident

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 21%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Wrap-Up.

You get the An Unfortunate Accident trophy by killing Morgan Pendleton with steam. Your ability to get this is restricted by RNG – as you need Morgan to have spawned in the steam room of the Golden Cat.

If he has, navigate to the room next to it, connect the crank wheel in the room to the pipe, and activate it. I recommend doing this during the wrap-up, but it can be done on Mostly Flesh and Steel, too, if needs be.

Well Mannered

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 32%.
  • Difficulty: Average.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

To get Wall Mannered, you effectively have to do the nonlethal method of eliminating Lady Boyle, as well as complete the related mission without “spoiling the party,” so maintain stealth the entire time.

King of the World

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 23%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Any.

This trophy requires you to get to the very top of Kaldwin’s Bridge during mission four. You can do this on any run, even Mostly Flesh and Steel thanks to your access to level one Blink. Just teleport up the structure until you’re on top of it.


  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 56%.
  • Difficulty: Average
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

The Bodyguard trophy is unlocked by making sure Callista’s uncle survives his encounter with the High Overseer during mission two. There are several ways to do this, but I recommend doing it during Flesh and Steel. For this, all you have to do is switch the drinks on the table before the meeting between the two begins – then hide.

Let the cutscene play out, during which the High Overseer will die and Callista’s uncle will begin running away. Stay where you are until he has completely left the area and the objective completes – otherwise the game may register him as dead.

Mercy is the Mark

mercy is the mark trophy dishonored

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 34%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

Mercy is the Mark is the trophy for dealing with Daud in a nonlethal way. You will get this naturally over your nonlethal Ghost run.

Lights Out

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 18%.
  • Difficulty: Average.
  • Playthrough: Any.

The Lights Out trophy requires you to deactivate five security systems on Kingsparrow Island during mission nine. This is pretty simple and can be done on any of your runs.

Long Live the Empress

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 42%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

This trophy requires you to save Emily – something that will occur naturally during your nonlethal Ghost run.

Poetic Justice

  • Rarity: Gold.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 22%.
  • Difficulty: Very Hard.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

Poetic Justice goes hand in hand with Clean Hands. You unlock it for neutralizing all key targets using indirect means, so you’ll naturally unlock it during a nonlethal playthrough.

Food Chain

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 41%.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Playthrough: Mostly Flesh and Steel.

The Food Chain trophy is unlocked by stealth killing an assassin. You will be able to obtain this during mission three, or mission seven.

Alive Without Breath

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 29%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

To unlock Alive Without Breath, all you have to do is possess a fish. You can do this during any run except Mostly Flesh and Steel, and in the majority of the game’s missions.

Creepy Crawly

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 38%.
  • Difficulty: Very Easy.
  • Playthrough: Nonlethal and Ghost.

You will unlock Creepy Crawly alongside Inhabitant as it pops the first time you use a rat tunnel.

Back Home

back home trophy dishonored

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 13%.
  • Difficulty: Average.
  • Playthrough: Wrap-Up.

Back Home can be surprisingly frustrating to get. It pops when you grab a live grenade and throw it back, killing an attacker. To do this, your best bet is the Overseer in mission two where you save Martin.

Get into open combat with that Overseer and wait for him to take out a grenade. When he does, use Bend Time Level 1 and throw it back at him.

Big Boy

  • Rarity: Bronze.
  • Percentage of Players Obtained: 13%.
  • Difficulty: Average.
  • Playthrough: Wrap-Up.

To get Big Boy, you need to kill a Tall Boy using only your sword. These guys start spawning during mission five and after, so load that mission and find one. Pop a save, then start blinking up to him and smacking him with your sword.

He should die after a few hits, at which point the trophy will pop – just be aware that fights like this can get messy and might take multiple tries.


Question: What is the Most Difficult Dishonored Trophy?

Answer: Mostly Flesh and Steel, or Clean Hands. Both of these trophies dictate the way you play an entire playthrough of the again and allow no room for error.

Question: How Long Does it Take to Get the Platinum Trophy in Dishonored?

Answer: If you know what you’re doing, you can get it done in around 10 hours. If you don’t, it’ll take substantially longer.

Question: What Difficulty Should I Play Dishonored On?

Answer: There are no difficulty-related trophies for Dishonored. So, for pure trophy hunting, you should play on the easiest difficulty.


That’s it for this Dishonored trophy guide, I hope you found all this information useful. Dishonored is one of my favorite games of all time, and it’s aged remarkably well. Whether you’ve played it before or not, you’re in for a treat while you trophy-hunt it.

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